Edible School Garden Project @ Humming Montessori School Osaka

Program Type: 
Garden Classrooms, Kitchen Classrooms, School Cafeterias, Academic Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

The Philosophy of Humming Edible School Garden Project

Feel nature, learn for life.


Grow safe and healthy food.


Eat our fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits.


Cook simply with all our senses together.


Think about Food Cycle and sustainable environment.


Set our table with nice tableware and flowers and enjoy eating together.


Share all works of Edible Education.


Design Ecology through “Learning by doing” for the next generation.




I own a small Montessori primary school in Osaka. I'm an AMI 3-6 Montessori guide. We want to connect with our local community to develop our garden program. Through the program, children will develop life skills and lifelong qualities like team work , problem solving  and reasoning. It will also enable them to develop their mental, physical and social skills.

Our aim is to make our Edible school garden valuable to produce fresh, safe, organic and delicious vegetables, fruits and foods we cook them. Our program will serve about 240 people per year. We can learn "Food Cycle" which involves seeding, pollination , fruiting, harvesting, cooking, eating and composting in our garden classroom and cooking room. We take the Montessori approach which is student-centered, learning by doing with all five senses, freedom and responsibilitty. Students explore the seasonal garden, learn what the word "worm" means and how it helps to enrich the soil and the food we produce in it by getting their hands dirty in the garden and the cooking classroom. We are happy to share our program with the children, their families, our neighbors and other schools worldwide.


Masaaki Matsumoto(Birdie)

AMI Montessori 3-6 Guide

Director Humming Montessori School Osaka