Custom Fit Kids
The program/club will give kids values and confidence needed to go through life. The themes will be surrounded around managing money, the process of positive thinking and outcomes of it, healthy lifestyle physical, emotional, and mental. We will involve the children in the decision making process to help them develop critical thinking skills. The children will also have the ability to develop their own web presences on our blog at www.childgrowthandlearning.com. They will be taught how to read labels on food and learn the difference between healthy food and healthy living. The kids will learn how to cook and be creative and plant the foods they are going cook (everything Organic). After harvesting the plants we are going to teach the kids how to combine different ingredients to create great recipes. These recipes will be put into a recipe books for them to sell. They will also sell their produce in a roadside organic produce and lemonade stand. This is their business. The proceeds from the recipe books and the produce will be split by the children. During the school year this will be a place the kids can connect and continue to nurture healthy lifestyle and plan for their next summer business. There will also be weekend programs available such as cooking classes for the family and a store where people can purchase fresh produce and bakery.