Culverdale Elementary
OneOC is committed to engaging our youth to be our next generation of volunteers and ncorporates STEM-based service learning opportunities for K-12 students to increase student comprehension of how science impacts social challenges like hunger and nutrition.
Beginning on 9/11 Day of Service, OneOC provides year-round curriculum and online support (meeting
specific academic standards for each grade level) for the teachers to guide their students in linking the
current season and climate with what is occurring at the gardens and the plants growing in them. The
curriculum also includes statistics about hunger in Orange County and the nonprofits currently working to address this problem (such as Second Harvest Food Bank). Students are challenged to think of ways they could assist these vital community organizations in solving the problem of hunger (like organizing a food drive, donating food from a garden or volunteering their time to pack boxes). Days of Service also uses these schools as project sites for community volunteers to come and help maintain gardens. With their help, the gardens are able to thrive all year long.
At Culverdale Elementary, the principal and teachers are committed to utilizing this edible garden as a learning opportunity and to provide edible foods to Second Harvest Food Bank.