Create a Change Now

Program Type: 
Business, Support Organization, Kitchen Classrooms, Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Lower Elementary
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

We accomplish our mission by adopting an at-risk elementary school then starting from the

ground up by installing an Edible Desert Garden and using it as hub around which we plant

seeds of change throughout each school and within each child with our Healthy School,

Healthy Life program including:

•Edible Desert Gardens – Planting edible gardens provides hands-on learning

and nutrition education from the ground up for the students.

•Garden Club – Establishing a Garden Club in the school creates support from

the parents, students, and administration and community members to educate

the students and their families on nutrition and garden education.

•Chefs in Schools – Our chef demonstrations get kids hands-on with their

harvest, provide nutrition education and teach healthy lifestyles the students

can bring home to their families.

•Fitness Programs – Exposing children to positive psychology provides

opportunities for youth through fitness related activities, nutritional information

and various other components of living a healthy, active lifestyle through daily

physical activity.

Our program is designed to go well beyond the classroom to grow leadership and

cooperation skills; practice in delayed gratification; opportunities to increase self-esteem

and build on visible success.