Coyle School System
Coyle schools fundraised for years to purchase a greenhouse. Our dream is becoming a reality
in December 2014. Our goal is to provide hands-on learning experience for not only the 50
students in our Agricultural Education Courses (AECs) and Future Farmers of America Chapter,
but begin a culture of garden involvement throughout our school of 297 children, many of which are
These funds would help to:
● Expand the reach of our garden to students outside of AECs
● Increase sustainability through the creation of a rainwater collection system
● Increase potential crop yields (to supplement our salad bar and to be used in fundraisers).
We are focusing on sustainability to create a solid base as we plan to expand our garden in
coming years to be a source of food for the school and community, which has little access to
fresh fruits and vegetables. Conserving water is only part of sustainability. The children and
community must be involved and excited by the garden to keep it alive.