Colquitz Middle School
Colquitz Middle School Garden Mission Statement
The purpose of the CMS learning garden is to establish a self-sustaining, organic outdoor classroom. We will involve the whole community in the process – such as parents, students, administration and staff, neighbours, local culinary professionals, local businesses, gardening and conservation organizations. The garden will provide an inviting, engaging, and instructive space. It will afford an authentic outdoor experience for the education and pleasure of our students. Learning will be through hands-on practices that enhance the curriculum, while integrating science, math and humanities. The garden will also enhance awareness of healthy food choices, food security and an appreciation of the environment. Students will be involved in all aspects of gardening including planning, planting, tending, harvesting and preparing healthy foods. This edible schoolyard will provide fresh produce for the bi-weekly Farm to School lunch. Written in conjunction with the input from Div. 5, 6, 11,12,13,16 ~ 175 students (Sept - Dec 2015)
Colquitz Population:
Our School population is approximately 450 student’s grades 6 to 8. These 10 to 14 year olds are from a diverse socio-economic background. Most of our families are blue collar/ working class. It is a very multi-cultural school with many ESL students and families of Asian background. We also have a strong First Nation’s community because 10% of our students are aboriginal first peoples. CMS is located 1 kilometer from the Native Friendship Centre and we have a First Nations councillor and drumming program.
Farm to School (F2S)
Since September 2013 we have served Farm to School lunches on a bi-weekly basis. Besides 150 paying staff and students ($5 per adult and $3.50 per student) we feed ~ 30 vulnerable students who are on a community lunch program. The class who helps created the lunch also gets a “free” lunch that day. We have held almost 60 lunches to date. The teacher coordinator shops at local farms on the week end to provide farm fresh food.
For the first three years (48 lunches) the F2S coordinator donated her time to volunteer in the school where she taught 4 days a week. This enabled the program to build momentum and work out systems to enable sustainability.
School Learning Garden
Ground breaking for the new school leaning garden will take place in March 2017! The teacher garden coordinator has been attempting to build a garden since 2012. Ensuring adequate funding, scaling back of garden concept plan, and changes to School District facilities personnel have all made it possible to finally get School district approval. In the Pacific North West vegetable gardening year around is possible. At present the garden space will be 75 feet by 35 feet. The expanded concept would be up to 1/3 of an acre including fruit and nut trees as well as chickens and ducks.
Sustainable Resource Exploratory Class
This year 8 of the 16 divisions are taking an exploratory class that includes investigation of sustainable agriculture, forest practices, increasing native plants, reduction of invasive species, water resources, and sustainable fisheries. These classes are 85 minutes long, twice a week. They will include planting, maintaining and harvesting fresh fruit and vegetables from the garden for student, staff and community consumption.
Garden use for many (see concept plan)
All 45 staff (teachers, educational assistants, councilors) will have access to use the outdoor classroom space for math, science and integrated humanities classes. Daily physical activity and wellness will also be a part of the garden space and outdoor classroom. We are attempting to further build community and partner with the municipality to have 4 community garden beds as part of the garden plan.