Club Rotario Bahía de Jaltemba - La Peñita

Program Type: 
Support Organization
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Upper Elementary, High School
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

Rotary Club Bahia de Jaltemba - La Peñita received certification from Rotary International in March 2009. Since then, the club has focused a major part of its efforts in education. The club has built three kindergartens that were then incorporated into the public school system, repaired or improved over 9 kindergartens and grammar schools, created a computer lab for the local vocational high school and remodeled two high schools.

Last year in conjunction with the Berkeley Rotary Club of California we built a new science laboratory, a gastronmy classroom with 4 kitchen stations and a technology center with 30 computers and internet access at the 20th of November Preparatory School. This year in collaboration with the Olds Rotary Club, Alberta Canada we are remodeling Cruz Guardado Bautista grammar school. All these schools are located on the western pacific coastline of the state of Nayarit. We have established a strong working relationship with these schools and the last two have requested assistance with the start up of community gardens at the schools.  Both are strong candidates with active parents associations and teacher participation. 

The Club will sponsor the attendees to the academy who in turn will work with one of the two schools in setting up and beginning these edible schoolyard gardens as models for the rest of the schools in the region. There is a local organic farm, Mar de Jade in Chacala, Nayarit that have committed to help mentor the Prepa 20 de Noviembre school in Las Varas as well as hosting school visits to the farm for teaching moments with the staff gardners. 

The opportunity to incorporate edible schoolyard with curriculm is greatest at both these schools because of the relationship that the club has with the administration, parents association and the community volunteers. 

We are all new to these types of programs and the academy would help us organize the plan and guide us in its execution. 

Two members attending will be Rotarians and one will be the science High School teacher.