Central Middle School

Program Type: 
Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Middle School, Upper Elementary
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

The goal of our school garden is to educate students about healthy food choices and sustainable food sources.Students will benefit from this garden by learning how to grow their own food, and to make healthy food choices. Produce from our garden will subsidize our backpack program, which supports students by sending home enough food to feed each participating student' for the weekend, ensuring that the students have vital nourishment. This is vital for a number of students. However, many students are not being served because we do not have the resources. With the addition of a garden, many more students can be served, and can take pride in knowing they are feeding themselves rather than relying solely on charity. We are in great need. With a 65% free and reduced lunch rate we must rely on charitable organizations to provide funds to purchase food for our needy children. Also, we would support the general population of the school by providing healthy foods free of charge. Students will be offered a variety of school-grown fruits and vegetables at no cost. Our local children's center will be the recipients of any foods harvested during non-school months as well as overages during school months.

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