CCA Academy Aquaponics

Program Type: 
Academic Classrooms, School Cafeterias, Kitchen Classrooms, Garden Classrooms
Grade Level/Age Group: 
High School
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

 CCA Academy is a small, private, non-denominational high school located in Chicago’s North Lawndale Community.  With the mission of creating lifelong learners, CCA Academy provides non-traditional students, ages 17-21, who have completed eighth grade with a second chance to earn a high school diploma through a rigorous educational program, extracurricular activities, and supportive services that prepare students with the academic, social and life skills to enroll in higher education, vocational training, or seek gainful employment.  CCA Academy is licensed by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) to grant the high school diploma, a Youth Connection Charter School Campus (YCCS), and is a member of the Alternative Schools Network (ASN).

In the summer of 2013, CCA Academy began its Holistic Wellness program to teach students healthy eating and physical activity habits to achieve and maintain lifelong  health and well-being. The program has expanded to include an Urban Agriculture/Ecology component that integrates theory and environmental sustainability as a pathway to build academic, green technology, and college-readiness skills.  Urban Agriculture/Ecology incorporates school year and summer student internships through Sweet Water Foundation and the City of Chicago. Focus areas include transforming vacant lots to gardens, aquaponics, vermiculture, composting, ecological stewardship and urban ecology.