Catawba River District Whitewater Farms
Catawba River District has two goals: 1 - develop a sustainable regional vision and 2-create a network of schoolyard gardens (currently 6 - targetign 11) imbedded with STEM (science technology engineering and math) curriculum, connected to a CSA (community supported agriculture) program to support the gardens in the summer and a "sustainable" working farm in the center of the network, adjacent to one of our middle schools. Whitewater Farms involves both a working CSA where participates work 1 hour per week and receive discounted locally grown food, and a working farm with grass fed beef, sheep/goats and chickens. Farm is powered on solar and renewable energy where possible. Water sensitivity is also a part of our program. Each component is built by our students and imbeds STEM skills.
ReVenture Eco Industrial Park is donating the use of our targeted land via land lease - Currently working on funding for sustainable working farm and model for a regional food hub, where a collaboration of area farmers can all join together in state required GAP (agricultural practises) certification to eventually allow the food grown by the students to be served in the cafeterias.
We could potentially affect up to 10,000 students in our region. Thank you to Alice Waters for her inspiration. Not only will our project affect education, nutrition, health and wellness - but will have an economic affect on this community. A truly sustainable community one one which addresses not only the totality of our children and their education, but the totality of our communities as partners with our schools.
Edna Chirico, Executive Director