Campus Sustentable
Campus sustentable y saludable
The name of this project is “Sustainable and healthy campus” or “campus sustentable y saludable” in Spanish.
According to Mexican Federation of diabetes (FMD), the combined prevalence of overweight and obesity is of 71.28%, (48.6 million people), this means that 7 of every 10 Mexicans are overweight or obese. For this reason, we were looking the way that our students eat in the healthy way, and for the other hand our campus is located into the biggest area of food production in Mexico, so, we can not understand how our student eat so bad.
In 2016, the PhD Mara Robles take the Director roll and one of She major goal was chance the way that the students eat. She wanted that all the students how to know where their food comes, also that they learn that healthy food is very tasty, fresh and have great aroma.
So, in 2017 the “Sustainable and healthy campus” is officially created.
Our Mission
The mission of “Campus Sustentable y Saludable” is to that all the community in the campus, learn how they can produce vegetables, then how can they make some recipes and how can they feel better. We believe that the edible education is important even in the higher education, we want to prioritize the access to the healthy food.