Branches Atelier
Branches Atelier is a Preschool in Culver City, California in which we are committed to creating high-quality, creative, dynamic, educational programs for children, families and educators. We pride ourselves on being a social constructivist program, inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Based on our fundamental belief that children learn best when their work is meaningful and given in a social context, we integrate all areas of curriculum though short-term explorations as well as long-term projects. Children are viewed as protagonists in their learning and are encouraged to work in collaboration with their peers to construct new theories and ideas. We create learning environments that are rich in complexity, reflect our connect with nature and that offer multiple possibilities for the child’s exploration, investigation and creative experience. Our beautiful learning environments are designed with great care, attention to detail all while being very aesthetically pleasing. Most importantly, they reflect our underling belief that all children deserve to work in an environment that is worthy of their creativity and intelligence.