
Program Type: 
Kitchen Classrooms, School Cafeterias
Grade Level/Age Group: 
Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School
Number of Individuals Program Serves: 
Year Founded: 
About the Program: 

Aliveschool serves approximately 1600 children in two San Juan area schools: Saint John’s and Baldwin School respectively. Our cafeteria services’ mission is simple: to provide good, healthy food that tastes great. Through our kitchen classrooms we can create connections between a finished plate and its origin with the use of our small gardens that students help build, tend and harvest themselves. The finished products have also been used in our cooking classes as well as cafeteria offerings throughout the school year. 

Aliveschool’s vision is to aspire to develop children’s palates, to expand their minds and attitudes about food and guide them to develop lifetime habits of good nutrition. 

We recently started two composting projects. On the one hand, we started using kitchen scraps in compost barrels and on the other, using red worms. These, not only, support Aliveschool’s commitment to become a sustainable entity but also, promote environmental wellness and be a tool for the kitchen classroom’s upcoming sessions. Through the composting projects we will be able to expose participants to simple ways they can impact their immediate environments.