Academie Da Vinci
We hope our garden will start a chain reaction in terms of wellness at ADV & in our community. Once parents, staff & students start thinking about health & nutrition, we can build upon that, making changes in our cafeteria as well as in our own kitchens. By adding new elements such as a rain barrel & compost bin, we plan to make our garden more sustainable every year. This opens the door for students to explore environmental stewardship, something vital to the survival of future generations on the Earth. Spending time outside in the garden with your little fingers in the dirt, smelling a flower, touching a wiggly worm, watching a ladybug do her job, & tasting your hard work in the form of something delicious & nutritious--these are the experiences we want for our kids. There is magic happening in a garden, & we will nurture the wonder of it all because at ADV, there is no separation between logic & imagination, art & science, person & planet. In fact, that is our guiding principle.