Edible Schoolyard NYC
Edible Schoolyard NYC partners with public schools to transform the hearts, minds, and eating habits of young New Yorkers.
By integrating hands-on food education into high-need schools across New York City, Edible Schoolyard NYC aims to change attitudes, preferences, and behaviors around healthy eating.
Staff work in schools to support garden builds and maintenance, develop and implement standards-based curriculum, and integrate garden and kitchen classes into the school day. With a goal of transforming the whole school environment, Edible Schoolyard NYC also conducts cafeteria tastings, works with partner organizations on improving cafeteria food, and hosts community days and family programs to involve the whole school and community in wellness education.
In addition to its direct work in schools, Edible Schoolyard NYC also supports educators and administrators to develop and expand programming in their own schools through professional development workshops.
Edible Schoolyard NYC’s vision is that all children are educated and empowered to make healthy food choices for themselves, their communities, and their environment, actively achieving a just and sustainable food system for all.