HIP Ag K-20 Ag-Nutrition Pipeline serves through offering farm fieldtrips, in-class and in-school garden workshops, HS farmer mentorship for Kohala Ag & IET classes, and post secondary 1-year farm apprenticeship. HIP Ag serves as partner to Kohala DOE complex to support Hawaii State's F2S and G2C pilot programs. Mission: To practice and teach ecologically conscious agriculture, empowering individuals and communities to cultivate alternative systems of living that restore human and environmental health.
According to the Coordinated Framework of Support for Preschool through Post-Secondary Agriculture Education in HI, the UH System Report to the 2019 Legislature states, "To meet the State's aspirations for increased food security, the number of local farms and farmers, the amount of food produced, and funding to agriculture education will need to increase significantly. A primary cause of the shortage in new farmers is the lack of support in agriculture education with an absence of agricultural teachers causing a reduced interest in youth pursuing fields in agriculture or natural resource management." HIP Ag agrees that education is key to increasing the number of future farmers along with healthy consumers.