The Educational Garden Project
Mission Statement- The goal of the Educational Urban Garden Project is to create an outdoor garden classroom program to enrich curriculum, build community, inspire creativity, raise awarenss of food and culture, and strengthen children’s attachment to the natural world.
The Educational Garden Project started in 2015.
The project is a whole school environment initiative that supports the educational and cultural values of the school and the community. It teaches agro-ecological techniques, the preservation of biodiversity, and the value of food.
The program is supported by an educational innovation grant affiliated with the International School of Dakar. It is available to the entire international school, elementary thru high school offered to over 600 students. The international school is a diverse poplulation with students from over 55 countries.
We have created the garden space with the intention to support teachers lessons during the school day and serves the interests of the students with afterschool classes as well; gardening, cooking and art.
Over the past two and a half years we have continued to grow the garden classes, production and organization. This year we expanded the garden work into two local Seneglese public schools; high school and elementary. They are extreemely under recessouced urban schools and have neglected school yards with great potential to grow gardens. Between the two schools there are about 1,900 students.