Oregon Afterschool for Kids
Oregon ASK is a collaboration of public and private organizations and community members which seeks to address common issues and concerns across all out-of-school time services, including child care, recreation, education, and youth development. As an afterschool intermediary, we connect many stakeholders in the third space of learning, beyond the classroom and the home. We work to build the capacity of afterschool programs and provide training and technical assistance to program providers. OregonASK has four primary initiatives that guide our work: quality; summer learning; wellness & nutrition; and STEM.
Our mission is to support, expand and advocate for quality out-of-school time programs and activities for children, youth, and families throughout the state. We envision a future where all Oregon youth will have access to quality out-of-school time options within their communities that enhance children’s positive development and future opportunities, keeping youth safe from harm and contributing to strong communities and schools.