Omaha Public Schools: Life's a Garden! Can You Dig It?
Mission Statement: Our mission is to engage students in sustainable gardening practices that contribute to the nutrition of their families and community.
Goals: Student academic achievement will increase through the implementation of healthy food options. Students will demonstrate the value of nutritious food choices to their families and community.
Population: Our distict has over 51,000 students from pre-kindergarten through high school with a population that serves students of a low socio-economic status, ELL, refugee, minority, early childhood, special education, and migrant students. Many of our students are high poverty who receive free/reduced lunch.
We are a cohort of educators from several schools within the urban Omaha Public Schools area who are working with local community gardens and partners. We have the first elementary school in the nation to become a part of Project Localize. Since many of our schools are located in food deserts, we want to bring fresh produce to our students and their families, instilling the value of healthy and affordable food options. We are determined to help students in poverty combat obesity and limited access to healthy foods by providing as many students as possible with opportunities to learn, explore, and inquire about growing food and healthy food systems. This is a grass roots effort that will be shared to build up school gardens throughout our entire district. We are also coordinating with Project Localize, The Big Garden, City Sprouts, No More Empty Pots, Truck Farm Omaha, and Roots and Shoots to enhance the gardens we currently have.