Curley K-8 School seed to table
We have a beautiful outdoor classroom and school grounds where students are able to explore nature in the city.
Our raised beds are used for planting vegetables, herbs, and fruit in the fall, spring and summer. In the spring the 3rd and 4th graders sow the seeds and seedlings, maintain the raised beds and water when necessary. In my science classroom we take observations and measurments of the growth. We notice change over time and discuss what plants need in order to grow.
Over the summer parents and I maintain the raised beds and outdoor classroom by watering and weeding.
In the fall the students arrive and now they are in grade 4 and 5. They maintain the garden, harvest the crops, and we eat the variety of our harvest each week in science class. The recipes are easy to make in class, and we get to taste different healthy foods that we may not otherwise eat.
This spring (2012) two students came from Northeastern University and helped the students build 4 raised beds in a plot I have been trying to cultivate for the past two years. We are still in the process of making the plot even, so 2 raised beds are not lopsided.
Two of the beds are done and the 3rd graders planted corn and beans. The other crop will be squash. I wanted to tie in social studies and Native American gardening. The fourth graders planted native perrenials and bulbs so they can see the grouth over time and record when the bulbs come up.
We plan on planting all kinds of fruit and vegetables this spring so students will know how to plant and find out where food comes from.