Plymouth Creek Elementary School
Our garden was built in the spring of 2014 and has quickly become a focal point for our school. The 9 raised beds have provided unique hands-on learning activities for over 750 students and staff. It has become so popular that we have more demand than planting space! By expanding the garden, we can offer more learning opportunities to our school community. Greater space will also allow for a larger harvest so that we can donate surplus produce to a local food shelf, allowing students to experience the reward of helping those in need in our community. We would also like to expand our composting capabilities to provide students with hands-on experience using sustainable farming techniques. And, as Minnesota’s short growing season has greatly limited the types of plants we have been able to grow, we would like to purchase a light garden so that we can grow a larger variety of plants. This would maintain the learning momentum and excitement around the garden even in the depths of winter.