no name yet..... in beginning stages
We are exploring an all inclusive garden for children and adults and their families with special needs and without. There are not many gardens that include container gardens that are high enough, deep enough, and accessible for those who have physical needs and/or who are in wheel chairs.
We want to develop an edible "playground" and gardening areas that will accomodate those who have physical needs and allow them opportunities to garden. This will provide a wonderful opportunity for families to spend time with their child(ren) and reap the benefits by taking the fresh veggies and fruits home to their own tables. We will promote green, healthy living, and sustaining the ecosystem.
Many families and communities around us can benefit from this program because once they become an intrical part of the process they have ownership in what is produced. There is pride in knowing that your personal endeavors had a physical outcome. This is an important part of human growth for every stage of development in life.