Palms Middle School
Our vision for the garden at Palms Middle School is that we will rehabilitate the current garden into a burgeoning and thriving hub for multiple education, recreation, and nutritional uses. The garden has lied fallow for several years and is overrun and is in need of attention. We will restart the garden program by immediately rehabilitating the current state of the garden with tilling the ground, importing nutrient dense soils and by increasing staff involvement and classroom integration for students. There are 14 garden boxes already in place. This grant will assist our organization in the preliminary stages of our total garden make-over for Palms Middle School; we will be able to purchase soil, seed, and it will help us afford the materials and labor costs for raised bed repairs. In the second phase, the garden will be equipped with a decomposed granite path, shaded teaching area, additional seating, a secure storage shed, designated compost area, and expanded drip irrigation.