Jonesville High School
Our primary goal is to develop a sustainable garden that will provide fresh produce to our local food banks while educating our students on methods of organic gardening and food production. We have several goals for the Jonesville FFA community garden including expanding educational opportunities through a partnership with our elementary school and producing more produce to expand our donations to other food banks in our community. FFA students will go to the elementary classrooms and have the students plant the seeds which will be later transplanted in the garden. We will invite the elementary classes into the garden to plant the vegetables they grew in their own classroom. During this time we will incorporate lessons on where food comes from and how to organically grow produce in a garden. FFA students will learn the skills needed to maintain organically produced produce through the development of natural pest and weed managements. This was a struggle this year due to lack of equipment needed to reduce weeds (no hoes, shovels or tillers). Students came to the garden two times a week to weed throughout the entire summer. Due to the amount of rain, the weeds did overtake the garden and the amount of produce was reduced. The use of biodegradable materials as a weed block will be incorporated in the 2014 garden plan. Organic waste from the FFA poultry project as well as sheep and rabbit manure will be used as a natural fertilizer. Students are also composting food waste from the cafeteria in two large compost bins donated to the FFA. Another goal is to develop a canning/freezing program for the Salvation Army. Through the purchase of canning equipment, we will be able to can tomatoes for future use. The Salvation Army has requested that, if possible, we include canning with our fresh produce.