Bates Elementary School
When nearly 56% of students in Salem are only getting vegetables 2 or fewer times a week, there is a problem and we must do something to correct this. A school garden started at Bates and expanded as part of the MIM program to all schools in the city will be a critical element to increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables by all children, kindergarten to college. A significant number of students at Bates are in the free/reduced lunch program, despite work at the federal level to make improvements to encourage more fruit and veg, it is not enough for these kids, many of whom might not be getting what they need at home. This garden can provide supplemental produce for the lunch room and can also have a hand in helping parents learn what they need to make good food choices and/or implement a garden of their own at home. This grant will allow Bates to develop a model of curriculum enhancement, community connection, and learning opportunities for the whole community.
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