North Pitt High School
At North Pitt we have re-launched our Agriculture Program which will use this garden as an interactive, hands-on, and outdoor active classroom.
Using this garden our students will be introduced to various levels of the agricultural sciences curriculum as well as learn a healthy skill that will serve them for years ahead.
Our plans are to further use this garden to provide food to our Culinary Arts programs, which will lower the expenses for them, as well as open those students to the use of the freshest and most organic items we can secure for them to eat and to serve in their cooked products that they provide to staff and for their own enjoyment.
One additional goal of our garden is pointed at an important part of our community. We hope to invite students in the Exceptional Program (Special Education) from North Pitt and our feeder schools, to work in and study in the garden. These hands on and skill learning opportunities are vitally important to this group.
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