Mittineague School
Working in our garden helps to build an awareness and appreciation for our community and environment as well as helps to develop a sense of self and accomplishment.
Healthy self-esteem and a confident self-image are among the most important skills we can teach children today. Children need to feel a sense of self, to feel a part of something important and they need a place where they feel accepted and worthy. Our garden initiative provides the platform for students to work side by side and get to know others they would not have interacted with before. Giving students something to care about and having them work together to protect and nurture it, provides an opportunity for students to see each other in a different light. Providing students with a chance to contribute helps them to build a stronger inner core. The garden not only gives them a very real opportunity to build friendships throughout the school, it has empowered them to make a difference in the community! Our small garden already sparked tremendous ownership in caring for our environment. We want these connections to flourish.
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