- Computer or phone to view videos
- Spices
- Food Memories Worksheet
- Family Food Memories Worksheet

Students will be able to:
Students will watch a video on how smell works. To view the video, students will go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snJnO6OpjCs. Or can type: https://tinyurl.com/smellesy.
Students will go into their kitchens and take out at least three different spices.
Students will watch the video again. This time, students will be filling out the Structured Worksheet for Video. Refer to teacher version of the worksheet for the answer key.
Students will fill out a version of the Edible Schoolyard’s Food Memory Sheet, focused on memories of spices.
Students will go to someone in their house and ask them to smell one of the spices and will write down the memory they describe to them. They can use this sheet or a piece of paper to record their answers: Family Food Memory Sheet.