Upper Elementary

Laura Beach Giving Garden

The Laura Beach Giving Garden is located at Espiritu Santo Catholic School. There are currently 9 raised beds (one for each grade) growing vegetables and herbs including; carrots, pole beans, beets, radishes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, squash, cilantro, dill, and egg plant. The garden also has a butterfly habitat in order to attract pollinators. This garden not only serves as an outdoor classroom but teaches the spirit of giving.

Boroughs Family Branch YMCA Schools Out afterschool program and childcare center

Our goals for the 2016 spring and summer season is to revitalize and clean our greenhouse and have programs geared towards our preschool, after school program, and summer camp.

The Farm at St. Joseph Mercy Health System

St. Joseph Mercy Hospital near Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti in Michigan is home to the nation's first hospital-based farm and clinical accessible hoop house.

We converted over 20 acres of lawn into arable farmland, where we grow alfalfa, fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs. We work with two production hoop houses and have a third accessible hoop house for rehabilitation therapy.

The Farm hosts a weekly farmers market in the hospital lobby, provides a CSA for staff, provides produce for patient meals and the hospital's deli, and donates produce to our local food pantry.

Captain Cooper Children's Garden

The Captain Cooper Children's garden is a beautiful garden with a view of the Big Sur valley and a peak of the Pacific Ocean. We grow a variety of plants in our garden including asparagus, lettuce, cabbage, basil, rosemary, corn, mint, squash, beans, lemons, oranges, persimmons, apples, blackberries and much much more. Students learn to propagate plants in our greenhouse. They learn to compost and ensure plants are receiving the nutrients they need. 

Maryland Agricultural Resource Council

The Maryland Agricultural Resource Coucnil (MARC) is the non-profit arm of the Baltimore County Center for Maryland Agriculture and Farm Park operated by the Baltimore County Recreation and Parks Department in Cockeysville, Maryland in Northern baltimore County.

The 150 acre farm park, which has been actively engaged in agriculture since the 1700's and which is now protected under an agricultural easement, offers the public unfettered acces to agriculture. It is "The People's Farm".

Riverside Elementary School FCPS

An outdoor science classroom where elementary school children learn to grow nutritional food and to recycle from their cafeteria.  The edible garden will be incorporated into the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics curriculum.

Sweetwater Garden

      Our vision for this project is to empower sustainability in our own community through education and community involvement. During the 2015-2016 school year parents, elementary students, high school students, staff, and community members of Sweetwater Elementary shared a similiar interest towards school gardening.  We began working with a local farm, Beckman Farms.  By January, 2015 we had a  hydroponic garden on our campus which grows vegetables and herbs.

Hollywood Garden

The Hollywood Garden, our school garden at Hollywood Elementary School in Stevensville, Michigan, serves as a laboratory for plant study and as a place to learn about fresh food.  Hollywood's students are involved with maintenance of the garden, and do exploratory classes under the direction of adult volunteers.  The Hollywood Garden is the only school garden in our corner of southwestern Michigan that is part of the Edible Scho

Manorhaven Elementary School

The goal of this garden is to revive an internal outdoor courtyard and create a schoolyard garden for the first time at this elementary school. The garden would grow a range of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and non-edible plants, and will become an outdoor classroom serving a K-5 audience.

Viewpoint School Garden

The Viewpoint School garden provides the opportunity for students, K through 12, to grow, cook and eat their own food.  Our lower and primary school students visit and work in the garden in their science classes.  Our middle and upper school students participate in the garden as clubs in their respective divisions.  We are continually expanding our program and hoping to add an elective focused on gardening in the near future.  We hope that students become more connected to their food, the seasons, and the outdoors.
