Upper Elementary

Lavender, Joe-Pye and Bumblebees

 I am the environmental science coordinator at my school and want to expand the organic garden we started last year.  Two classes participated, including my own (I am also a fourth-grade classroom teacher).  This year, I am attempting to inspire more teachers to get involved.  We have parental and community support for our endeavors and so I anticipate greater involvement from our teachers this year.  

Spartan Garden

 The Maine - Endwell Spartan Garden was founded and formed by teachers, students in grades 3rd - 6th grade and their parents.  It is a donated lot near our school.  We have 1 year of experience and are planning to expand our space by doubling this summer.  We plant, weed, water, grow and pick all of the vegetables.  The veggis are then donated to all the families in need on our food pantry delivery route.  All of the familes on the food pantry delivery route have students within the district.  

Scotchtown Hills Elementary School

We want to create a garden where each grade level can plant and grown vegetables and fruits. This will not only teach students live long skills, but it will be a fun experience for everyone.

Noble Garden Club

Our school is demographically and socio-economically challenged.  Students do not understand the idea of healthy organic options for their diet.  If we can create a program to educate our students, they will be healthier and smarter students who are motivated to come to school and learn something different other than the normal curriculum, while they can take this with them to their homes and beyond.

North Powder Farm To School

North Powder Farm to School is located in Eastern Oregon. We coordinate Farm to School activities such as tastings and cafeteria meals using Oregon Harvest of the Month ingredients. In addition, a FoodCorps service member teaches students nutrition, cooking, and garden-based science and math activities We have successfully had a 1000 square foot garden for 3 years and have used the produce in our school cafeteria and donated some to a local food bank. We have challenging weather conditions with a short growing season of 90 days, but have had success!

Growing Well with Mercy school garden program

The Growing Well with Mercy program is focused on community collaboration in order to fostes healthy lifestyles in our communities.This program is a natural outgrowth of our successful ten year Mercy Goes to school program teaching nutrition and germ preventon classes to local elementary schools in our hospital service area. We currently have partnerships with Folsom-Cordova, Buckeye and Rescue Union school Districts.

Cooking with Kids, Inc.

Cooking with Kids motivates and empowers elementary school students to make healthy food choices. Through hands-on nutrition education activities, kindergarten through 6th grade students explore, prepare, and enjoy fresh, affordable foods from around the world. A 5th grader says it best: “Do you know what the passion of food is? It’s the way the food smells and tastes – it’s the food that I like!”

Grow Your Lunch

We offer program development services and materials tailored to the needs of educators, parents and administrators intending to build successful, curriculum and cafeteria - integrated garden programs

The Seven Circles Garden

The Seven Circles Garden is a 3/4 acre organic garden sustained and maintained by faculty, family, friends and students of the Meher Schools. The Garden is integrated into our regular academic day....all students have "garden" as part of their curriculum....including planting, growing, harvesting, snack preparation, garden math, garden art, nutrition. the garden project also partners with Futures Explored, a work place for developmentally disabled adults in Lafayette. 
