
New Demonstration Program

Interested in starting a demonstration project focused on healthy eating and social entrepreneurship.

The Healthy Canteen

 The Healthy Canteen is a project of the Department of Nutrition of the University of Brasilia in Brazil. This project let the students learn how to promote educational activities for healthy eating by preparing modified recipes with organic food.

School Garden Support

The Heart of Texas Urban Gardening Coalition (UGC) helps to support school gardening in Waco!

Organic Gardens and Farm - Year Round - Open to Public

Eleven acres of year round farm and garden open to the public. Visit for hours, list of programs, services, and products.

Mile High Farm

Mile High Farm serves as an experiential educational classroom specializing in permaculture principles and ethics. Applying natural systems and organic gardening methods, we collect and hold over 10,000 gallons of rainwater during our (2) known rain seasons annually. We've planted native perennials, fruit and nut trees, and incorporate chickens into our successful system. As a satellite campus, we work closely with local universities, preschools, and professional adults offering tours, classes, and hands-on lessons.

Crossroads, Meatless Mondays

 Crossroads, Inc. is a six month residential program for women transitioning out of prison. The women in the program live in the two Crossroads houses in Claremont while completing the Crossroads curriculum. Both houses have organic gardens, and one of the houses recently created the space to keep a flock of chickens. Crossroads program curriculum is designed to reduce recividism rates and offers such programs like drug/alcohol couseling, job training, life skills, and healthy living. Meatless Mondays is one of the required programs.

Cultivating Dreams

 Cultivating Dreams is a student-run nonprofit organization that oversees an organic garden inside the California Institution for Women (CIW), a prison in Corona, CA. The garden is maintained through the collective effort of the women inside and volunteers from the Claremont College community. The fruits and vegetables grown in the garden are sent in the prison’s main kitchen or intensive care unit. Cultivating Dreams could not function without the support of the prison staff and warden of CIW.

Cultivating Dreams Objectives:

Sonoma State University Garden Classroom

Sonoma State University (SSU) has an active commitment to sustainability, in both its infrastructure and academic programs. Instilling a sense of environmental stewardship in students has increasingly taken place in a living lab, Copeland Creek, which crosses campus.

The Garden Classroom (Department of Environmental Studies and Planning), adjacent to the creek, has become a hub for university students across campus, and serves as a hands-on, interdisciplinary outdoor classroom for creek restoration activities, habitat gardening, and food production and preparation.

UVM Farmer Training Program

The UVM Farmer Training Program is a 6-month intensive program (May 2 -October 31, 2012) for aspiring farmers and food systems advocates that provides a hands-on, skill-based education in sustainable agriculture. This full-time program offers participants the unique opportunity to manage their own growing site, take classes from professors and expert farmers, and rotate as workers and learners on successful, diverse farms in the Burlington area.
