Announcing our Virtual Training Program
Over the last several months we have piloted a new training program consisting of monthly virtual workshops covering topics such as school garden management, connecting edible education to academic standards, and utilizing the ESYP website’s online resources. It’s been wonderful to connect with educators from across the country – and the world – for these conversations, and we are excited to share that we will be continuing to offer free, virtual workshops through the rest of the school year!
These workshops are not only a great opportunity to learn about various elements that go into building robust edible education programming, but they are also a chance to meet like-minded folks doing inspiring work in their communities.
Rather than lecture-based, all workshops are interactive, giving participants the opportunity to ask questions to the presenters, collaborate in real-time to post ideas and responses to prompts, deeply explore a question or mini-challenge in breakout rooms, and make connections with new people. Plus, each workshop is recorded and shared out along with the associated resources on our website here, so even if you’re not able to attend the session live you can still have access to the conversation.
We very much hope to see you at an upcoming workshop! And, we would love to hear from you about what topics you would like us to present about! Please fill out this survey to let us know what you would like to see us host a workshop on.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at training@edibleschoolyard.org. We look forward to seeing you at a workshop soon!